User Management in SiteLine

Facility Information is only useful if users have access to it. Learn how to add, edit, or remove users within SiteLine.

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Before beginning, consider the following tips:

  • Make sure you are in the correct Client > Facility for which you'd like to make changes. 
  • Glance thru the Users list to confirm the intended user(s) has/have not already been invited or has an active account. If they have been invited but have not set up their account, jump to the "Re-Invite User" portion below. 


Adding User(s) 

There are two methods for adding users in SiteLine:

  1. Adding users directly in the application
  2. Adding users via a bulk import spreadsheet

Adding users directly in the application

Adding users directly in the application works best when adding one or more users who will have the same role, belong to the same company, and will have that same level of access. Make additional entries for other combinations. 

To begin: 

  1. Open "Users" module from the Navigation Panel
  2. Click "Add Users" under Manage Users tab
  3. Fill out Add Users widget

  4. When satisfied with the field entries and selections, click "Add".  
  • Email - enter one or more emails (must be for the same associated company)

  • Role - select an organizational role

    • Options include: Facility Supervisor, Facility Manager, Facility Engineer, Facility Administrator, Contractor, Trade Partner, Vendor,  or Engineer/Architect

  • Company - choose their company (see Manage Companies article if you need to input the company)

  • Office - choose a listed office location. 

  • Project Scope - customize access to projects by clicking "Customize"

    • If a project is de-selected, the users access will be specifically for the selected projects. 

    • If the user is to have access to all projects for the facility, do not customize.  

  • Access - choose the level of access this/these user(s) are to have. See Roles and Access article for further clarification of access levels. 

    * New-to-SiteLine emails (users) will receive an invitation to create their accounts. See " Create Account" for instructions on how to sign up. 
    * Returning emails (users) will receive a notification that they now have access to a new project. No actions required. 

    Adding users via a bulk import spreadsheet

    The bulk user import spreadsheet is best used when there are multiple users with a variety of roles, belong to different companies, and will have varied levels of access. 
    If a user's email is already in SiteLine, do not include them in a bulk import. 
    It's the suggested option for adding a large list of Trade Partner users. 

    Follow these 4 basic steps:

    1. Download Sample Spreadsheet
      1. From within the Manage Users tab in the User Management module, click "Import Users". 
    2. Prepare List Users (Spreadsheet)
      1. Within the Import Users widget that pops up, click "Download Sample Spreadsheet". Open download excel file.  

      2.  For each intended new user, provide information for their Company and Office, the user's email address, selected role and chosen level of access. 
        1. Company Name
        2. Company Type (options provided as a drop down menu in the cell),
        3. Office Name
        4. Office Address (full postal address),
        5. User's Email  
        6. pick a Role (options provided as a drop down menu in the cell), and 
        7. select a level of Access (options provided as a drop down menu in the cell)

          Though not required, the optional columns of  DivisionOffice Phone Number, and User's Name help improve the company and user's details at time of invitation.  
      3. Tip: Format office phone numbers to be 10 numbers without any parentheses, dashes, or spaces.   Ex: 5104741450
      4. Save a copy of your populated spreadsheet somewhere easy to access for importing.
    3. Associate to Project
      1. After preparing the import spreadsheet, click "Import Users" again
      2. Select the Project for which you'd like to assign these users
      3. Confirm the project in the 2nd dropdown
      4. Click "Choose File" and retrieve the spreadsheet you just populated and saved.
      5. Click "Upload & Preview"
    4. Upload & Preview
      1. Clicking "Upload & Preview" will give you the opportunity to review the required information in the system and identify any potential errors.
      2. If any errors exist, cancel out of import, make changes to the spreadsheet and preview again.
      3. If no errors exist and the Summary at the bottom of the window looks correct, you're ready to import.
      4. Click "Import"

    Upon completion, you will receive an email confirming the import was success and will include a summary of the companies, offices, and users that were imported. Any unforeseen errors will be included in this email. 

    Invites to SiteLine will go out to all included in the spreadsheet. 

    For SSO enabled accounts, new users will receive an invitation email with a link that initiates the SSO flow.  The link redirects to their company login page. On successful authentication, it redirects back to the user’s SiteLine landing page.

    See Single Sign On  for details.  


    Re-Invite a User

    An email account may already have a pending invitation within SiteLine. If that's the case, a new invite will not work. You must resend their invitation, a.k.a. re-invite, to SiteLine. 

    To do so, begin by opening the Users module. 

    Look for the user's email and select the "Re-Invite" link under the Status column. 

    This action will resent them their original personalized invitation to SiteLine. They can use this new link to set up their account and begin using SiteLine. 

    Edit User's Access

    If responsibilities change or users move on to new opportunities, it is easy to manage access to projects SiteLine. Follow the below steps to edit a user's Role, Company, and SiteLine Access. 


    • This edit option will not edit a user's profile. The below functions will allow you to edit their Job Title, associated Company and Office, and Access. 
    • Edit's can be make by the Administrator to both an active or pending accounts. 
    1. From either the Client's dashboard or the Facility's dashboard, select the USERS module from the left navigation panel (group icon). 
    2. First, filter by Project. 

    3. Click the EDIT action button (pen and pencil icon) for user to be updated.

    You can update the following fields:

        • Role
        • Company
        • Office
        • Project Scope, and
        • Access type.
        • Make updates and click "Update" to save changes. 

    The edits made from this widget do not affect the User's profile but simply their associated company and SiteLine access. Only a user can update their account profile. 


    Remove User's Access

    If responsibilities change or users move on to new opportunities, it is easy to manage access to projects SiteLine. 

    NOTE: Removing a User's access will only remove it from the project or facility you've chosen. This action will not remove them from other client pages or permanently from the SiteLine application. 

    A user can be removed using one of the following scenarios:

    1.  Removed from the Client dashboard - this will remove access to all facilities and projects this user has access to for this client.

      (System Admin, Partner Manager, and Account Manager roles only)

    2.  Removed from the Facility dashboard - this will remove the user from the current facility and all projects this user has access to this facility.

      This option will not remove the user from another facility under the same client.

      (#1 roles + Facility Admin, Facility Supervisor, and Facility Manager roles only)

    3.  Removed from Project - from facility dashboard, filter by Project.

      Single or Multi-select users and click REMOVE button - this will remove users from the filtered project

      (#1 and #2 roles + Project Admin and Facility Manager (Project) roles only). 

    Confirm intention to remove user.