Create a Document Tag


Document tags can be used to group documents via a common criterion. For example, you may have a Tag for each level of your facility (Level 1, Level 2 and Roof), and a Tag for each type of Document (O&M’s, As-Builts and Permits). By using these Tags, in a few clicks you can identify any O&M manuals pertaining to Level 2 of your facility.

Required User Permissions

Only Facility Administrators can create Document Tags.


  1. Navigate to the Documents Homepage.
  2. Select at least one Document to assign your newly created Tag. Note: You can assign more documents later.
  3. Click 'Tags' in the Action Panel at the bottom of the screen.
  4. The Tags Panel will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
  5. Click ‘+’ below the Tag Group or Tag where you want to create a new Tag. Note: See Create a New Tag Group.
  6. Type the name of the Tag.
  7. Click the tick to confirm.
  8. Check the box next to the new Tag to assign it to the selected Document(s). 
  9. Click 'Save'.

Additional Information

Tags are organized by Groups, and all Tags must be assigned to a Group. Tag Groups are displayed on the Facility Homepage.