Create a Warranty Ticket

Required User Permissions

Project Administrators, Project Editors, Project Collaborators and all levels of facility permissions can create a Warranty Ticket.


  1. Navigate to the Warranty Tickets Module. You can do this from your facility homepage by clicking ‘View All’ under the Warranty Tickets section, or by clicking the wrench icon in the left-hand sidebar.

    1. You can also create a new ticket directly from your facility homepage by clicking ‘Add Ticket’ under the ‘Warranty Ticket’s’ section. If you select this option, skip to Step 3.

  2. Click the blue ‘+ Add Warranty Ticket’ button in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Enter the following information:

    1. Ticket Details: Title your Warranty Ticket based on the general topic, select the project this ticket is related to, choose a priority, and write a detailed description of the issue.

    2. Assets and Locations: If the Assets or Locations modules are not populated, type the location(s) and/or asset(s) that are associated with this issue. If the Assets or Locations modules are populated, drop down lists and predictive text are available to select and associate one or more location(s) and/or asset(s) with this issue.

    3. Issue Assignment: Select a Division and Section from the CSI MasterFormat lists. If you do not use MasterFormat or aren’t sure which Division or Section to select, you can leave this section blank for now. You can add multiple Divisions or Sections by clicking ‘Add Another Division/Section’. Note: The Division and Section need to be populated before the Status can be changed to anything other than ‘New’.

    4. Attachments: Click ‘Choose File’ to add an attachment to the ticket. Attachments should be smaller than 10MB and most document, picture and video formats are accepted. Add a description of the attachment for easy identification. You can add multiple attachments by clicking ‘Add Another Attachment’.

    5. Warranty Manager: By default, a primary representative from the contractor will be assigned as the Warranty Manager when the project is created. The project selected in the ‘Ticket Details’ section of this form will automatically populate the Warranty Manager. Note: The Warranty Manager can be updated in the Project Settings. Contact your internal SiteLine Administrator or reach out to your VueOps Customer Success Manager if you need assistance.

    6. Client Contact: If the primary contact at your company responsible for this ticket is not the ticket creator, select them from the dropdown. If you are creating the ticket and need to be the primary contact, leave this field blank.

    7. Watcher List: Add people who you would like to receive updates when this ticket’s status changes or when someone leaves a comment. Note: If there are people who you would like to automatically become Watchers on all new Warranty Tickets, you can add them to the default Watchers list in Project Settings.

  4. Click Create. The Requester, Client Contact (if selected), Warranty Manager and Watchers (if selected) will receive an email confirmation containing the ticket information.

Additional Information

The project must be in the warranty period for a ticket to be created.

All tickets are assigned a unique ID.

Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory.