Send a Message from a Warranty Ticket


If you need to send Warranty Ticket information to a contact outside of SiteLine, you can use Messages. If you are communicating with people who have a SiteLine account and are associated to the ticket, you should use Comments.

Required User Permissions

Project Administrators, Project Editors, Facility Administrators and Facility Editors can send a message from a Warranty Ticket.

Project Collaborators, Facility Collaborators, Facility Limited Collaborators and Facility Viewers have read-only access to messages on Warranty Tickets.


  1. Navigate to the Warranty Tickets Module.
  2. Select the relevant ticket from the grid.
  3. Scroll to the messages section at the bottom of the page and click ‘Send A Message’.
  4. Edit the email template:
    1. To: Type the email addresses of the recipients of this message. You can add multiple email addresses, separating them with a comma. You cannot select existing users in the Project Directory. 
    2. CC: Type the email addresses of the people you’d like to be CC’d on the message. You can add multiple email addresses, separating them with a comma. You cannot select existing users in the Project Directory.
    3. Subject: By default, our Warranty Ticket message template has been applied, but you can delete/edit the email subject.
    4. Body: By default, our Warranty Ticket message template has been applied, pre-populating the Ticket ID, description and location, but you can delete/edit the body of the email.
  5. Click ‘Send’.

Additional Information

A record of all email messages sent are displayed in the messages section of the Warranty Ticket.

Any new messages will be created with the previous message included in the chain by default. You can delete this from the body of the email when editing the template

Recipients of an email message that do not have a SiteLine account will not be able to login and view the ticket in SiteLine.