Learn how to use SiteLine to manage warranty tickets that are assigned to you.
As a Trade Partner, you can set up a SiteLine user account so that you can view and manage warranty issues online. SiteLine also supports email communication, so that you can receive and respond to warranty issues without needing to log into SiteLine.
Click here for more information on setting up your SiteLine account.
Warranty Tickets
Warranty Tickets are typically added by the owner or tenant and then follow an automated workflow so that the Contractor can assign it to a trade partner to complete the repair.
To view the list of warranty tickets in SiteLine, select either the Wrench icon in the left-side navigation panel or click the View All button on your facility's home page.
The Warranty Ticket list shows summary information about each ticket. As a Trade Partner, you will only see tickets that have been assigned to you. Use the filters at the top of the list to view a subset of the tickets, or enter text into the search box to find specific tickets.
Ticket Workflow
- Review New Tickets - You will receive an email from VueOps Warranty Ticket when a new warranty issue is assigned to you. The email will provide a summary of the issue and a link to open the ticket in SiteLine where you can view more details.

- Contact the Client to Schedule Repairs - You can use the contact information in the email to schedule inspection and repair of the issue. You can also reply-all to the email or use Comments in the SiteLine ticket to contact the client.
- Complete Repairs and Notify the Client and Contractor - When you have fixed the issue, take a photo of the completed work and add it as an Attachment to the SiteLine ticket or reply to the SiteLine email with the photo as an attachment.
Additional Details
- Comments
- The Comments tab is a great way for you to collaborate with the client and contractor as you work your way through understanding, repairing, and completing the issue.
- Use the Comments in place of emails, text messages, or phone calls. Doing so keeps track of the conversation, provides clarity of anyone just joining the topic and keeps a full history of the ticket's lifecycle.
Tip: To notify any particular user(s) in a comment, type '@' before their name. SiteLine will respond with a list of users matching your text. Select the user you'd like to send a direct notification. Repeat if needed.
- Attachments
- Attachments are a great way to illustrate an issue. Attachments should be included at the time of the creation of the ticket, but if changes need to be made post-entry, use the Attachments tab to make edits. When you have completed the requested task, please also take pictures of the repairs/replacements/etc. and attach to the ticket.
- Files supported: PDF, Photos, Microsoft Office, Videos
- Keep attachments to less than 5MB each
- History
SiteLine tracks all of the updates and changes to a ticket in the History tab.
Reach out to VueOps SiteLine support at support@vueops.com for further assistance.