Learn how to create warranty tickets and collaborate with your contractor and trade partners on each ticket.
Warranty Tickets
Warranty Tickets are construction-related issues that you want the general contractor to fix during the construction warranty period. Tickets are typically added by the Owner or Tenant and then follow an automated workflow so that the contractor can assign it to a trade partner to complete the repair.
To view your facility's list of tickets in SiteLine, select either the Wrench icon in the left-side navigation panel or click the View All button on your facility's home page.
The Warranty Ticket list shows summary information about each ticket. Use the filters at the top of the list to view a subset of the tickets, or enter text into the search box to find specific tickets.
Adding New Tickets
Click on the Add Ticket button to start a new warranty ticket. Fill in the required fields:
- Title - a brief ticket title
- Project - select a project from the list
- Description - provide a detailed description of the issue or problem
- Location - type in a location or select a floor and room from the list
Fill in any of the optional fields such as Priority or add photo as an attachment and click Create to submit the ticket.
The new ticket is automatically forwarded to the contractor's warranty manager, who then assigns it to one of the trade partners to be resolved.
Click on Return to Warranty Tickets to view the ticket list. Click on any ticket to view more details about that ticket, or to edit the ticket.
Click on the Edit button to update any section of the ticket. You can also use the Comments, Attachments and History tabs to view or add more information to the ticket.
Pro Tip: To notify a specific user of a comment, type '@' before their name. SiteLine will respond with a list of users matching your text. Select the user you'd like to send a direct notification. Repeat if needed.
Ticket Status
The status of a ticket will change as it progresses through it's workflow. Ticket status options include:
The "New", "Owner's Action", "Closed", "Closed - Non-Warranty", and "Cancelled" statuses send out automatic notifications to everyone associated with the ticket.
NOTE: Permissions to update a ticket's status is reserved for the Contractor.
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Reach out to VueOps SiteLine Support at support@vueops.com for further assistance.