Delete Locations

Did spaces in your facility get reconfigured? Did a location get fat-fingered? Learn how to delete locations so you create new ones.

Locations can be completely removed from a facility if spaces have been reconfigured and renamed through, for example, a renovation or tenant improvement, or if errors have been made in the setup process.

Once locations have been deleted, they cannot be restored.  Users should be certain they want to delete the location before doing so and consider all implications first.

There are two ways to delete locations. If you’re deleting just a few locations, consider using the built-in tools in VueOps. If you need to delete lots of locations, consider using the bulk method.

Deleting Location(s) within VueOps

  1. Check the open box next to the location's name in the list on the Locations page. You can multi-select locations. 
  2. In the upper right corner, a new "Delete (#)" action button will appear , click the “Delete (#)” button. {The (#) indicates the number of locations to be deleted.}
  3. VueOps will prompt “Are you sure you want to delete the selected locations?”  Click “OK”.

Deleting Locations using the Bulk Method

  1. Export the facility locations to Excel using the instructions in Edit Locations via Spreadsheet
  2. Open the Excel file.  In Microsoft Excel, delete the rows representing the locations you wish to delete.  Save the file.
  3. In VueOps on the Locations page, left-click the “Add Location” button on the top right corner of the page and choose “Spreadsheet” from the dropdown menu.
  4. A dialog box appears requesting the Excel input file with locations.  Left-click the “Choose File” button and navigate to the Excel file you saved in step two and click “Open”.
  5. In the dialog box, click the “Import” button on the bottom right corner.  The list will refresh with the updated location list.  VueOps will have deleted any locations you had deleted in Excel.